Lisa & Britni, my daughter

Lisa & Britni, my daughter
Woman's Luncheon April 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Return to the world of Starvation Soup...if only for a moment!

     I was raised in a single parent household mostly with mom and weekends with dad.  From the time I was pre-teen and up until I started my own family I lived in a world of DIET.  My mom was always searching for the miracle and most common weight loss scheme or fad.  We tried everything and the one thing that stuck with both my sister and I was STARVATION SOUP.  Basically the soup consisted of cabbage, celery, onions and broth but the best part was you could eat all you want all day long and still not be full so goes the word starvation. 
     Mom struggled with her weight going from skinny to NOT and back again on a regular basis, which is something that I also have fought with my WHOLE life too!  I can safely say that I am a closet junk food junkie who hid food in places that normal people do not do.  To this day even though my kids are grown and gone still hide food just not in the same old places.  I married the most wonderful man who is also a junk food junky and as the days go by I am finding out that I no longer want to live like this and want to extend my life as much as possible and having some extra energy to help me through the day would be nice too. 
     As I have aged I found that my closet needed to consist of three sizes of clothes to account for my changing waist.  I am not looking for a miracle cure but a change in my overall well being which needs to start from within.  I am so done with judging my weight on how my clothes fit and then starving myself if my big girl jeans are to tight and not seeing my little girl jeans that have a habit of not being seen very often. 
HERE STARTS MY JOURNEY...I hope that in the process I can encourage others too!

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