Lisa & Britni, my daughter

Lisa & Britni, my daughter
Woman's Luncheon April 2010

Wednesday, June 23, 2010


May not seem like very much food
Take 15 minutes and drink water
This meal is hearty and tasty too!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Words to live by

Dr. A's Fundamentals of Health

*  Healthy eating, including vitanutrient support

*  Healthy weight and normal waist size

*  An active lifestyle and a daily activity program

*  Recouperative sleep

*  Relaxation

*  A microenvironment of health

*  Well-being, limited stress, sense of purpose and meaning, spiritual health, and personal fulfillment

*  A support system

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Yes you can CAN

     All Medifast meals are easy but some take a little getting used to.  My first encounter with a Medifast Soup was cleaning the whole microwave because I did not pay attention.  It popped a few times and the whole thing boiled over leaving me only half of a meal when I got to the exasperating!!  This only happened a few times before I finally got the where-with-all to pay attention!
     Soups are one of those things that can make you go argh and the Chili is exasperating too! I was told that if you pre-prepare and let it steep you get a better meal.  After a few attempts to pre-prepare my soup/chili for my afternoon meal I found that this grab and go meal is alot easier with a little understanding and a friend like mine. Mason has brought me more joy and comfort than any other pint jar has before him...he is my new best friend and he comes in convientent pint jars!
     First thing to understand is that with any meal that comes in a paper wrapper it has to be hydrated.  Chili works the same way and for best results it is necessary to heat in small increments and to pay extra close attention because boil over is a HUGE possiblity while it is heating.
    Second is that heating in a microwave is not as easy as on the stove because a watched pot DOES boil and all in a matter of a second and a half....this is where the ARGH comes in.  While heating in the microwave it is incredibley important to stay close and watch for the few minutes it takes to heat and reheat.   If the boiling occurs simply open the door and try again, this may take a few times but makes all the difference.  The more time you allow for heating the more hydration you will achieve and the better the soup or chili will be.
     The third is that once hydrated the meal is rather enjoyable but you have to give it an honest effort and a chance.  Remember that a popping sound does occur which is normal.
     My experience is that in the morning when I am preparing for my 20oz water and Coffee laced Medifast Cappacino I am thinking about my day and what foods are going to be best for my busy lifestyle.  Usually I plan one of my meals to be a soup or chili because I can plan to be near a microwave at some point.  So while I am working on my first meal (takes less than 2 minutes) I am heating to a boiling point my soup/chili and letting it sit until my next cup of Joe.  While preparing my second cup of coffee I take the opportunity to reheat to boiling my soup/chili and then before I walk out the door I reheat one more time then cap it with the lid and ring, wrap it in a towel and drop it in my bag...out the door I go!  Within a few minutes I hear "Ping" and walla I have canned soup or chili.  This process gives your meal time to sit and hydrate and when I am ready to eat the meal it has nice BIG chunks of goodness and a semi thick broth that I am finding is not so bad and really does taste good...granted it is not a gourmet meal but what do you expect!